Rider Levels and Instructor Training


Learn to Ride - Rider Level Program

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At Lancers, we encourage and support our riders who wish to test for the Equestrian Canada’s Learn to Ride program. The program is open to riders of all ages who would like a formalized evaluation of their skills and progress. This is non-competitive, non-compulsory evaluation meant to offer tangible levels and goals to riders interested and it is intended to produce riders who are competent, safe, and knowledgeable horse people. Levels are progressive and the English program spans from Level 1 to 10. Each level contains both a riding and stable management portion. After Level 3, riders have the option of testing “on the flat”.


Practice and Preparation are the Keys to Success

The 2018 Rider Level Trivia Night!

The 2018 Rider Level Trivia Night!

At Lancers, we support the flat and jumping testers equally and ensure all riders are well prepared. Manuals and study guides are available for purchase from the Nova Scotia Equestrian Federation (NSEF), we also have a collection of books in the Lancer Library in the Mitchell Room that riders may borrow. We provide an internal “guide sheet” to help riders and parents and circulate study guides, rubrics, and flat/jumping tests. To prepare riders, instructors spend weeks incorporating level requirements in their lessons. Barn Monitors are always there to provide tack, grooming, and stable management instructor to riders. Lancers’ organic peer mentorship also benefits riders and riders are welcome to spend time in the stables learning and preparing. We are fortunate that many of our Lancer horses have helped countless riders achieve their rider levels.

For more information, see:

NSEF - Learn to Ride Program

Equestrian Canada - Learn to Ride


Instructor Training

While riding at Lancers, all of our members have the opportunity to train to become certified instructors under the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP). Instructor candidates will spend time mentoring in lessons with a certified coach or instructor as well as teaching lessons under the supervision of a certified coach or instructor.

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Due to our approach and the way our stables function, we are fortunate to have mentors who are readily accessible. Through the Nova Scotia Equestrian Federation, high school students are able to earn a high school credit for their activities surrounding instructor certification these include equestrian theory workshops, mentoring hours for both lessons under saddle and in the barn as well as practice teaching hours. All instructors also learn how to develop well structured lesson plans and emergency action plans.

This is a clear extension of our peer mentorship that happens throughout their riding career at Lancers that gives them valuable lifelong skills that they can take anywhere!

For more information, see:

National Coaching Certification Program

NSEF Coach Certification

NSEF - Certification Process